Información General
Amanda Ospina,
Executive Director of TVMAS magazine and creator of the event.
Amanda Ospina, Executive Director of TVMAS magazine and creator of the event.

“This sort of enterprises favor creativity and generate synergies, the exchange of ideas and new production and negotiation proposals, opening new windows to local and domestic business as well as to business with Latin American companies.
We needed a meeting that widens the comprehension of the reality of content production, programming and distribution in this dynamic market.
The exploration, definition and starting up of new audiovisual services based in digitalization and interactivity, as well as projects related to technologies and personnel training for business models, is a real need of this complex market. 
I think any contribution we make to increase the value of both TV contents and new services is useful.   And no doubt the most suitable and also awaited forum to gauge the strength of the market is a thematic event totally focused on it,” explains Amanda Ospina, Executive Director of TVMAS magazine.

See the edithorial of TVMAS And Only Telenovelas, Fiction & Formats
1450 Brickell Bay Drive - Suite 307 Miami Fl, 33131
phone: 305-858-0444

www.tvmasmagazine.com and www.tvmasnovela.com